Josh Hillinger (he/him)

Tattered Capes

josh hillinger · June 17, 2019 certified reviewer
A totally impressive feat of choreography and staging of a compelling original super hero saga. The show had me laughing out loud and audibly gasping. This show is worth seeing more than once.... full review

The Last Croissant

josh hillinger · June 07, 2019 certified reviewer
Great acting, joyful characters, borders on a clown piece (that's a good thing), fun script with lovely moments, well directed, tons of fun. The Last Croissant will certainly win awards at this year's Fringe. The Attic Collective is a very exciting company that I look forward to following for a long time.... full review

House of Rabbits - Charivari in Voyeurville

josh hillinger · June 16, 2015 certified reviewer
Really cool story telling through dance/movement theatre, live music, speech and gesticulation. Really kind of a trip to watch and it definitely took me on a journey with some touching, some beautiful, and some very impressive scenes. Overall very well directed - the action filled the stage and the tone of different pieces transitioned fluidly, I liked it. I was happy to see many of the same people behind one of my favorites from last year "Ravens and Writing Desks" were involved in this show!... full review

Lady Into Fox

josh hillinger · June 16, 2015 certified reviewer
Beautiful story telling supported by a clear vision, excellent direction, and vibrant performances by the ensemble. Absolutely lovely in every way.... full review

Tom and Barry two nights only

josh hillinger · June 16, 2015 certified reviewer
The band rocks, I hope they get turned up in the future. Kind of a punk rockumentary about brothers who really stick together. ... full review


josh hillinger · June 10, 2015 certified reviewer
I also really enjoyed this show. I'm a Shakespeare nerd, and I have plenty of people I have and will be referring, as I know they too will absolutely love it. I think the ideas behind most of the vignettes is great - really fun for a nerd like me. And the songs, the costumes, the props, the puppets are all fantastic visual spectacles, and there are some incredible physical performances. I would love to see this team polish their act and cut some stuff down, but I totally recommend seeing this... full review

Catherine: Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey in Today's L.A.

josh hillinger · June 10, 2015 certified reviewer
Unfamiliar with the source material, I went in seeing what I could get without knowing a basic synopsis. I think they created a solid modernization. The plot was realistic and I enjoyed watching the story unfold. Congrats to the cast and creative team for putting it all together!... full review

Sleeping Around

josh hillinger · June 09, 2015 certified reviewer
I really, really liked it! A great dialogue about a great topic with great actors. Didn't recognize half the cast when I ran into them the next day - a testament to the characters they created. A wonderful balance of comedy and drama.... full review

Alien Vs. Musical

josh hillinger · June 09, 2015 certified reviewer
Why??? Broadway. Beautiful character work and design with the Aliens. Great use of musical theatre characters, and every one gets a chance to shine. There's no reason a show like this CAN'T be on Broadway, so I think the whole point of the show was awesome. It was a perfect way to start my Fringe.... full review

Lydia Trueblood: The Black Widow of the Atlantic Coast

josh hillinger · June 16, 2014 certified reviewer
Powerhouse performance by Liz Eldridge. Smartly directed, fast-paced and clean. Perfect support by Clara Dykstra, the perfect Teller. Huge talent in this show. Even the lawman is engrossed the whole time. I mean dayum.... full review