Baby Rock

Musicals & Operas · multilinguart · Ages 0+ · 45 mins · United States of America

Multi-Lingual Performance Performance in Spanish family friendly

A heartwarming and whimsical bilingual children’s musical. About a young girl, Anastasia, who learns how to make a new friend regardless of language barriers through song and dance.


"Baby Rock celebrates love and friendship using enchanting rock music and interactive storytelling. Te va a encantar! "

After her grandma passes, Anastasia is left with a new companion. This companion, however, does not speak any English and only speaks Spanish. The two friends learn how to communicate through play, song, dance and gestures and realize that not only can they be friends if they speak different languages, but they can learn from and teach each other. Baby Rock celebrates the joys of diversity, language, music and love and will continue to spread these messages to young audiences around the world!

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Production Team

ana karina cano 


taylor bazos 

producer & director

val boufford 

assistant producer


* Fringe Veteran